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Patrick Tuttofuoco On the corner where we stand

dimensioni variabili; n. 4 elementi
The four sculptures “On the corner where we stand” have been made by Patrick Tuttofuoco in 2006 for his solo exhibitions entitled CHINDIA at Haunch Of Venison, London. The show focused on two main emerging world powers – India and China. The works were based on a trip to 17 of the world’s fastest growing cities over three months, in ten different countries. Travelling with an architect and a film maker, Tuttofuoco documented what he saw, photographing, interviewing and absorbing lifestyles, architecture and ways of living. His aim was to survey the contemporary city, done in the context of an examination of the future of urbanization. The project was to tour the urban landscapes of both counties, with the artists’ photographs, maps, sculptures and video projections producing an ever-evolving megalopolis. The artists’ experiences and observations of both countries eventually blurred through different scenes, shapes and sounds. Tuttofuoco produced the four meters high sculptural interpretation for each of the cities Shanghai, Beijing, Delhi, and Bombay. Acting as both emotional and socio-cultural reflections of the artist’s experience of each place, the bright colours and modernist forms of the sculptures reflect the cities’ rapid development and globalization.
On View
Patrick Tuttofuoco, "Revolving Landscape", Electa 2006
Photo Credits
Foto Luis Do Rosario
Legal status
Collezione MAXXI, donazione
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