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Alex Cecchetti Come la luna si vede a volte in pieno giorno

dimensione ambiente
The imagination, the game, sharing, and the chance to breathe life into the unthinkable are the modalities that Alex Cecchetti uses to investigate the world by building new visions and narratives of what is real. Come la luna si vede a volte in pieno giorno made for Casa Balla. From the House to the Universe and Back (June 17 - November 21, 2021) envisions in the total work of art the fusion of the body, the mind, theater, sculpture, fashion, dance, music, and artisanal art in a fully Balla-like spirit. The soundtrack by the Cantoria and Rome’s Scuola di Danza del Teatro dell’Opera is a new musical composition inspired by the sounds of the solar system. The public can dance while wearing the skirts of the spinning Dervishes of Sufi tradition, on which the artist painted the hypnotic shapes of the Trametes Versicolor mushroom, a regenerator of life, the subject of a series of watercolors acquired together with the installation.
On View
Photo Credits
Collezione MAXXI. Composizione di Brian Shank basata in parte su temi di Alex Cecchetti. Abiti disegnati da Alex Cecchetti e prodotti da Biagiotti Group. Foto Giorgio Benni
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