Giannetto Bravi (Tripoli, 1938 - Cislago, 2013) trained in Naples, where he lived from 1940 to 1974, graduated in Geology and began his research in the neo-avant-garde artistic movement. The artist’s career is conditioned by a double track; on the one hand the deep knowledge of a local culture that has become a universal symbol of folklore, on the other hand a scientific attitude to the survey, the verification, the finding. His debut took place in 1967 with his first personal exhibition at the Fiamma Vigo Gallery in Rome, where he exhibited his Verifiche (1964-1966): canvases with a strong optical influence that present a geometric scanning of the surface through horizontal lines and concentric circles. In the 1970s, Bravi was among the founders of Galleria Inesistente (Nonexisting Gallery) alongside Bruno Barbati, Vincent D’Arista, Maria Palliggiano, Gianni Pisani and Errico Ruotolo.
Bravi is a multifaceted artist whose work breaks the disciplinary boundaries of visual art. In his latest works, he reflects on the concept of museum, mostly focusing on the bookshop area, dedicated to cultural fruition, of which the postcard is an emblematic object. During the Neapolitan period, the Vesuvius became the privileged subject of the artist’s research, who began to collect and send postcards depicting it. The postcards sent between 1973 and 1974 became part of an experiment in mail art that took the form of assemblages in which the artist superimposed them, using them in different ways. As shown in the work Paesaggio misto (Mixed Landscape), the postcards always depict the same subject.