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Lello Masucci Sacchi di notte napoletana

2 tele di dimensioni 190 x 240 cm cad.; 1 carrello composto da: 1 pedana con ruote di dimensioni 67,5 x 86 x 95 cm; 1 asta di dimensioni 185 cm
Sacchi di notte napoletana (Sacks of Neapolitan night) is a historical work of the artist’s production, created during a sojourn in Rome, imbued with metaphorical and melancholic references to his birthplace. The work, composed of a painting and seven large black jute sacks (“in each sack, a night in Naples”), superimposed on a railway trolley ‘ready to leave, as the memories of the traveler leaving Naples’ - as the artist himself declares - was exhibited on the occasion of the Biennale del Sud in 1988 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples and thirty years later (2018) was re-exhibited on the occasion of the exhibition project "Per_formare una collezione. Per un Archivio dell'arte in Campania" (Per_forming a collection. For an Archive of contemporary art in the Campania region), curated by Andrea Viliani and Silvia Salvati at museo Madre.
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