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Enzo Cucchi Strimpelli sabatali, n. 13

cm 34 x 19,7
A member of the Transavanguardia, in the mid-1970s Enzo Cucchi returned to the use of painting and drawing, reconnecting to the very origins of the history of Italian art and characterizing his work with noc turnal poetics and a style brimming with references. In 2019 the artist produced the series of works on paper entitled Strimpelli sabatali comprising thirty-one drawings in medium-to-large-scale format. The works consist of collages made starting from paper or fragments of paper, taken from previous studies and recontextualized in current works, breathing life into irregular and curious effects. A renewed sense of space and the sign emerge from this research. The images and the figures are placed close together based on resonance, thus fueling hybridizations and visions, overlapping human and animal faces, portions of bodies and overturned trees, horses and totemic presences. It is like witnessing the creation of a new and fantastic bestiary, in which the feeling of estrangement is enhanced by the various types of paper fragments that are joined together. Based on these combinations Cucchi creates the significant new works of a novel human imaginary, drawing from the archetype and the deep meanings of things.
On View
Farina E. (ed.), painting recognizes no customs children do not know gender art hates painters, artist book, Edizioni MAXXI, 2020
Photo Credits
Photo Giorgio Benni
Legal status
Work on Paper
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